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Dad Manager App
A task management app designed for fathers who need to be on track with their children's daily schedule.

The Project
I wanted to create an easy-to-use app that speaks for dads who have tight schedules at home with their kids.
The idea was to make it both light, fun and approachable, and also very organized and clear.
The Challenge
The market is loaded with Task management apps, so the main challenge was to build something different that attract these specific users.
I figured the way to that is buy using the right content and speak in a "dad like" visual design.
My Role
The app was created as part as my diploma studies at
UXPitango Academy.
My rule in this project was UX & UI from start to finish.

The first step of the research was to see what everyday task management apps are doing, how they can simplify the app and make it easy-to-use and as intuitive as can be.
The second step was to search for apps that speak for man or/and fathers.
The visuals and content they're using to make them more appealing to this specific audience.
Then I started the wireframes. The main idea was to make it as simple as can be, because we all know parents lack time and the last thing I wanted was to make the onboarding tiring. Also, I wanted to the onboarding some relaxing atmosphere images to lighten the mood of the stress that sometimes come from everyday life with kids.

The tasks page was designed to show all the users tasks in a 'one pager', and if he wishes to edit a specific task, he's still in the same main page and easily get right back.
Tasks display

Another challenge was to ask the user questions, without annoying them.
This was also part of the onboarding, but can be done later on, whenever the user chooses to do so, and was not mandatory.
Getting to know the user
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